• Al- Ameen Charitable Fund Trust

  • No.3, Miller Tank Bund Road, Off Cunningham Road Bangalore - 560052
  • 41248201 / 41248202 Fax : 91-80-41248203
  • info@alameenmedical.org

Mr. Ziaulla Sheriff
President- Al Ameen Charitable Fund Trust, Bangalore


Dr. Mohammed Ali Khan
Chief Executive Officer


Dr. B.S. Patil
Director, Al Ameen Medical College


Dr. Akram A. Naikwadi
Principal Al Ameen Medical College



Medical College Hospital

Al-Ameen Medical college Hospital (AMCH) is situated in the periphery of Bijapur city near historical "Sangeet Mahal" of the then Adil Shahi Kingdom.

Dental College Hospital

Al-Ameen Medical college Hospital (AMCH) is situated in the periphery of Bijapur city near historical "Sangeet Mahal" of the then Adil Shahi Kingdom..

Women & Child Hospital

Al-Ameen Womenand Children Hospital is situated in the Al-Ameen MedicalCollege campus at Bijapur. This hospital is having twodepartments, They are ( i) Obstetrics & Gynecology and (ii) Pediatrics.